Definition of Verb Phrases, Tenses, and Subject-verb Agreement

  • Definition of verb phrases
A verb phrase is a syntactic unit consisting of an auxiliary (helping) verb preceding the main verb. It often contains a head verb, complements, objects, and modifiers as its dependents.
  1. The author is writing a new book. 
  2. He was walking to work today.

  • Definition of tense 
Tense is a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking.
  • Present Tense
The simple present tense (all called the present tense) is used to express action that is happening in the present, now, relative to the speaker or writer.
  1. They enjoy the sunset.
  2. We go to the beach now.
  • Past Tense
The simple past tense (also called the past tense) is used to express actions that are completed at any time (recent or distant past) or for any duration (length of event).
  1. They went to Japan with my family last week.
  2. Yayuk won the photography contest in his school two days ago.
  • Future Tense
The simple future tense (also called the future tense) is used to express action that will certainly occur at any time later than now.
  1. I will buy the house next year.
  2. Doyok will open the class tomorrow.

  • Definition of Subject-verb agreement
Subject verb agreement refers to the fact that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. In other words, they both must be singular or they both must be plural. You can’t have a singular subject with a plural verb or vice versa. The tricky part is in knowing the singular and plural forms of subjects and verbs.
  1. The sun rises.
  2. The stars shine.
